MS Correduría de Seguros


Privacy Policy


This document regulates the processing of personal data provided by users, visitors and those interested in the services offered by this portal (the "Website"). You can consult the information related to the company that manages the Website MEJOR SELECCION CORREDURIA S.L (the “COMPANY”), which is the CONTROLLER, by visiting the Legal Notice that appears at the bottom of the main page.


The purpose of this Privacy Policy is to make known the way in which the personal data accessed by the services associated with this Website are collected, processed and protected, so that you can freely and voluntarily determine if you wish to Provide your personal data through the forms provided for this purpose.

Likewise, the Privacy Policy regulates the processing of personal data provided in the past by you through other means unrelated to the Website, or those that you may provide in the future with reference to this Policy, always to the extent that does not contradict what is expressly accepted by you at the time of providing the data, which will be respected in any case.

In addition, you will be provided with the appropriate technical resources so that, prior to filling in your personal data, you can access this Privacy Policy and any other relevant information regarding the Protection of Personal Data. The access and use of the Website implies that you fully accept and agree to fully comply with the terms and conditions contained in this Privacy Policy, as well as the provisions contained in the Legal Notice and Conditions of Use, the Privacy Policy Cookies and, where appropriate, the General or Particular Contracting Conditions of any other services; configuring the aforementioned documents as a whole as the applicable Legal Texts.

You can find the corresponding links at the bottom of the main page. The provision of the Website service has a limited duration at the moment in which you are connected to the Website or any of the services that are provided through it; therefore, you must carefully read these Legal Texts each time you intend to use the Website, since they may be modified based on new developments or legislative and jurisprudential requirements or for business needs.

This Privacy Policy will be valid for the personal data obtained for this Website or other services of the COMPANY. However, in the event that you formalize your registration or association with the Website through a social network, instant messaging application, network or similar system, you will be authorizing said network or system to deliver data to the COMPANY under the terms provided for in the Privacy Policy of the network or system in question in each case, without prejudice to the fact that it will be your responsibility to consult said Policy prior to granting your authorization.


In compliance with the provisions of the Organic Law 3/2018, of December 5, Protection of Personal Data and guarantee of digital rights, we inform you that the data collected through any data collection forms on the Website will be incorporated into the corresponding personal data file called "Customers" owned by the COMPANY, by virtue of the express consent, that when filling in the themselves, is being granted to the COMPANY. The COMPANY guarantees the confidentiality of the personal data provided and compliance with all regulations applicable to that effect.

All the fields that appear marked with an asterisk (*) in said forms will be mandatory, so that the omission of any of them could lead to the impossibility of meeting your request. Likewise, by clicking on the "Send" button (or equivalent) incorporated in the aforementioned forms, you declare that the information and data that you have provided in them are accurate and truthful and thereby grant your consent for their treatment.

So that the information provided is always up-to-date and does not contain errors, you must communicate, as soon as possible, any changes to your personal data that may occur, as well as rectifications of erroneous data if you detect any. In the context of the treatments described below, it is possible that you provide personal data relating to third parties. In this sense, it is your responsibility to inform third parties whose data you are going to transfer to us of this circumstance, as well as, if necessary, obtain their express consent to provide us with said information. The COMPANY guarantees its commitment to comply with the applicable regulations on data protection and the information society.


Data processing by the COMPANY

The COMPANY may process your personal data in accordance with the following purposes, depending on the form completed in each case:

  • Manage your navigation through the Website.
  • Manage your user registration and identify you as a "registered user" in order to personalize your experience and the interface and show you content, information, etc. according to your interests, preferences and tastes, adapting your browsing experience and the design and offer of content, products and services to your personal, professional and consumer profile.
  • Manage your participation in blogs and/or forums
  • Manage the Customer Service, to respond to doubts, complaints, comments or concerns that you may have regarding the information included in the Website, the resolution of incidents related to the products and services that you can access through of the Website, the processing of your personal data, issues regarding the legal texts included in the Website, as well as any other queries you may have.
  • Carry out electronic commerce activities, where appropriate, offering payment services always with your express and informed consent, and in accordance with the terms and conditions of said services as they appear on the Website.
  • Manage the collection of products and/or services purchased by you, through the payment gateways contracted for this purpose. The financial information that you provide may be kept in said gateways in order to facilitate the making of recurring payments.
  • Carry out statistical studies and profile management, purifying and qualifying said profiles with the study of user navigation obtained through the installation of cookies, in accordance with the provisions of our Cookies Policy.
  • Use the results of said studies to design and plan commercial actions that may be carried out, either through the Website by expanding and improving the services and content offered therein and the design of new products and services, or through the direct commercial actions indicated in the following section (“Commercial Communications”).
  • Utilizar tus datos para informarte de las ventajas inherentes a tu condición de usuario registrado en el Sitio Web y/o de usuario suscrito a otros servicios ofrecidos por la SOCIEDAD, ya sea por medios ordinarios (correo postal, llamada telefónica,…) o electrónicos (correo electrónico, SMS, aplicaciones de mensajería instantánea, redes sociales, notificaciones push, etc.).
  • Process your data for commercial purposes, provided that you have consented to the pertinent processing of personal data, either by ordinary or electronic means, all in accordance with what is indicated in the following section (“Commercial Communications”).
  • Manage compliance, maintenance, development and control of any relationship that the COMPANY maintains with you.
  • Any other purpose that is specifically reflected in the corresponding legends and/or particular conditions of the data collection form, in order to attend to the different types of relationships that may be maintained with you depending on each case.



We inform you that through each data collection form we could obtain your consent to send you commercial communications. If you give your express consent through the boxes that will appear on the relevant data collection forms, we could contact you by regular mail, phone call, email, SMS, instant messaging applications, social networks, push notifications, or any other equivalent electronic means of communication, to send you information about those products and/or services that we believe may be of interest to you.

Depending on the options that you authorize, the communications may refer to products and/or services of the COMPANY as well as to products and/or services of third parties belonging to different sectors of activity (products of culture, sports, education, graphic arts, Food, beverages, banking, financial activity, construction, public works, real estate, new technologies, automotive, hunting, fishing, health, insurance, transport, surveillance, security, commerce, offices, offices, hotels, restaurants, tourism, media , advertising, health, beauty, textiles, footwear, accessories, mining, metallurgy, energy, chemistry, pharmacy, gaming, leisure, local, regional and state administration), selected by the COMPANY.
Asimismo, podrás configurar en cualquier momento tus preferencias en cuanto a la recepción de comunicaciones comerciales, en su caso, a través de tu Área de Usuario.

Finally, indicate that the COMPANY acts as a mere disseminator in relation to the "banners" or advertising banners or other advertising media that appear on the Website, thus resulting in said advertising outside the regime of services provided by the COMPANY and its privacy policy. privacy.


We will not communicate your personal data to third-party companies without obtaining your prior express consent, unless the transfer of your data is necessary for the provision of the service or for the maintenance of the relationship with you.

For these purposes, in the event that the Website collects advertisements and offers from third parties, you accept the transfer to the advertising companies of the personal data previously provided in those cases in which you expressly express interest in a particular product or service. , so that the advertising company responsible for said product or service can contact you for the sole purpose of completing the information provided in the advertisement and, where appropriate, carrying out the corresponding transaction, to the extent that such assignment is essential for the correct provision of the requested service.

In any case, when the transfer is not necessary for the correct provision of the contracted service, in the data collection forms we will inform you of the purpose of the treatment and the identity or sectors of activity of the possible assignees of the personal data, offering you previously the possibility of accepting or not this assignment.

On the other hand, and in the event that access to the data by third parties is necessary for the provision of any service subcontracted by the COMPANY, the necessary documents will be signed.

Where appropriate, consent will be requested separately and specifically when the data transfer is international.


The personal data provided will be kept for the time necessary to fulfill the purpose for which they are collected and to determine the possible responsibilities that may arise from the purpose, which will be kept blocked, extending during the limitation period of legal liability established in civil, commercial and fiscal legislation, con los límites legalmente establecidos.


SecurityThe COMPANY has tried to implement and maintain the security levels required by Law to protect the personal data of users against accidental losses and unauthorized access, treatment or disclosure, taking into account the state of technology, the nature of the data stored and the risks to which they are exposed. However, the transmission of information over the Internet is not completely secure; For this reason, and despite the fact that the COMPANY makes its best efforts to protect user data, it cannot guarantee their security during transit to the Website. Therefore, all the information you provide will be sent at your own risk. Once your data is received, the COMPANY will use rigorous procedures and security functions to prevent any unauthorized access.


The Website may include links to sites controlled by third parties. You must remember that when using a link to access from the Website to another, the Privacy Policy and the Cookies Policy will cease to take effect. This Privacy Policy does not reflect the privacy practices of those other third party sites. The COMPANY declines any type of responsibility regarding the privacy and data processing of other websites. Browsing and interaction on any other website, including those linked to the Website, is subject to the rules and policies of that site. We recommend that you read the privacy and data processing policies of the websites you visit through the existing link on the Website or in any other way. If you want more information, you can consult our Conditions of Use by visiting the link that appears at the bottom of the main page LEGAL NOTICE.


The personal data that we may collect through the Website or through the different communications that we maintain with you will be treated confidentially, committing ourselves to keep them secret in accordance with the provisions of the applicable legislation.


To have access to certain services that are offered, it will be necessary for you to provide us with specific information. You must provide true information, and the use of aliases or means to hide your identity is prohibited, with the exception of cases in which the same form expressly requests the creation of a username, nickname or alias.

You will not be able, when creating usernames or access codes, or providing any data that may be requested in the different existing forms, choose expressions or graphic-denominational sets that are offensive, insulting, coincide with brands, trade names, signs of establishments, company names, advertising expressions, names or pseudonyms of publicly relevant or famous figures whose use you are not authorized to use, and, in general, contrary to the law or to the requirements of morality and generally accepted good customs.

It is essential that you safeguard at all times the reference numbers, passwords and access codes that you create or are provided to you. You will be solely responsible for the use, authorized or not, of your personal account, and in this sense you agree to make diligent use of said information, not to make it available to third parties, and to report its loss or theft.


You may request access, rectification, deletion or limitation of the processing of personal data or to oppose the processing, in the event that the requirements established in the General Data Protection Regulations are met, as well as in Organic Law 3/2018, of December 5, Protection of Personal Data and guarantee of digital rights, mediante el envío de una notificación por escrito, adjuntando fotocopia de un documento que acredite tu identidad, a la dirección, indicando como referencia “Protección de Datos”.

For any questions related to this Privacy Policy, you can contact the COMPANY through that same address.

You may also request the exercise of the aforementioned rights to the Spanish Agency for Data ProtectionC/Jorge Juan, 6, 28001- Madrid).


This Privacy Policy may need to be updated; For this reason, it is necessary that you review this policy periodically and if possible each time you access the Website in order to be adequately informed about the type of information collected and its treatment. You can find the Privacy Policy at the bottom of the Website, along with the Legal Notice and the Cookies Policy.
The Privacy Policy was last updated on date 10/05/2023.


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